The Grand Reunion Participants were Very Splashy and the Spirit Shouted the Name of Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto. The 212 Great Reunion Event was attended by a number of Political Figures and Officials in the Monas area, Central Jakarta on Sunday (12/02/2018). He said, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Chair of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Zulkifli Hasan, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament Fadli Zon, Chairman of the PAN Honorary Council Amien Rais, until Gerindra General Chairperson Prabowo Subianto.

Participants who took part in the event could not enter the area at the National Monument until participants attended to find out the name using loudspeakers in the Command car. Then, there was a command car driven near the Horse Statue before 06.00 WIB.

Governor Anies attended the event and gave a speech, he even mentioned a number of invited guests who came. When Anies gave a speech saying Prabowo's name, the participants suddenly took action.

Based on our observation of the Horse Statue, Prabowo attended the event and was greeted with excitement from outside the location of the event. Then, the Orator provoked the participants who were present by shouting the name of the number 2 presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

"Prabowo! Prabowo! Prabowo! "Answered a group of participants around the command car.

One of the participants who claimed to be Vivi also had expressed his views on this matter.

"If I see it, indeed the majority here will choose Prabowo [in the 2019 Presidential Election]," Vivi said

Until 8:40 a.m. WIB, the conditions around the Horse Statue were increasingly crowded with participants in the action. The majority of the participants wore black and white clothes, many of which carried flag attributes that read tauhid.

Orator's invitation to wear sunglasses from the top of the command car shouted Prabowo's name. Then, the orator shouted "Takbir!" Several times. Before mentioning Prabowo's name

"Lhah, why is it Prabowo, anyway?" Vivi said again.

"Prabowo! Prabowo! Prabowo! "Answered a group of participants.


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